Human Resources

Human Resources

As a leading supplier of optical products, our company offers the best equipment for observation, exploration and scientific studies. We are constantly growing and developing to provide the highest level of service to our customers. We want to realize this mission together with talented and passionate individuals who want to work with us.

Our company offers various opportunities to maximize the potential of its employees and enable them to advance in their careers. We believe that the people who will work with us will contribute to our team and we do our best to support them.

If you are excited to work in a dynamic environment and build a career in the exciting world of optical products, ASTROMED may be the right place for you. We invite everyone who wants to work with us to review our career opportunities and contact us.

If you would like to apply to join the ASTROMED family, please visit our page or contact us.


Human resources department

İnsan Kaynakları (#8)